Peace, Joy, Love

Do you have a routine prayer you’ve created and say everyday with your Family?

What if you did? Is there something stopping you?

We pray for Peace in our Soul, Joy in our Spirit, and Love in our Hearts. For all our Family, all our friends, and especially all those people less fortunate.

Next Blog

Dear God

Looks good on paper…or a license plate…

Dear God, sorry about this morning. I didn’t have 60 seconds to fall on my knees and talk to you…

Remember, precious one, everything is a habit…

Yep, not finished with this “Dear ____” yet…Next Blog

Authenticity, Scene 3 of 5

A clean shirt, a warm meal…these things elude some people…

No male on my Dad’s side has lived past 60. So, pushing 52, I’m on a purposeful mission to get some things in order.

Worrying about what others think no longer slows or stops me. I’m mindful of my actions and not reckless, but I’m no longer wishing things, I’m doing things.

If this resonates with you, great….welcome to the Tribe. Comment, email, Guest Blog, ask questions, reach out to others here. Wish or do…it’s entirely up to you…to be sure, the clock is ticking, and will not wait until you’re ready…

Authenticity, part 4 @ Next Blog

Dear Son, Part 3 of 5

Not groceries in his cart, but everything he owns…

Dear son, everyday, many choices. This won’t end until you die. If you’re blessed, that will be a long time from now. Your second cousin, Jack, lived 10 days.

Life…please don’t take it for granted, and please don’t waste it. There’s too much beauty and joy to consume and share.

Putting others ahead of yourself may not make sense until you’ve been here a few decades. However, you are off to a great start.

Read part 4 of 5 at Next Blog