It can be a lonely road

Glacier National Park
GNP is to the left as we head north from Browning, Montana.

Learn how to say no. With friends, just be honest. “Look, I’m simplifying my life right now, and I need to slow down. I’m not going to be going out as much as I have been. It’s nothing personal but I need some time to recharge my batteries.”

Living the Simple Life

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Transcend the truth

Glacier National Park

Life is difficult. This is the great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we see this truth, we transcend it.

M. Scott Peck

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Don’t bank on the future

Glacier National Park

The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining.

John F. Kennedy

i write about three things; what i learned yesterday, what i get to do today, and what i hope for tomorrow.


Plan like you’ll live forever. Live like you’ll die tomorrow.


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Look, ignore, improve

Glacier National Park

See everything. Overlook a great deal. Improve a little.

Pope John XXIII

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What are your guiding values?

jeff noel values
Fun was added in high school. Six core values to live a vibrant life. Was asked during a conference speaker’s speech to list personal values. It felt like i was the only one who could write them immediately.

Father = God

Son = Jesus

Spirit = human/me


Technically, the Holy Trinity puts us, by association and math, as God. When we see another human, we can/should see God. When we look in the mirror (or into our soul), we can/should see God. Incomprehensible, right?

Wishing you Peace in your soul, Joy in your spirit, and Love in your heart.


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