The best time to forgive

Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
Theater in the round.


Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
Seating for 6,000, i think.


Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
The Disney Approach to Creativity and Innovation is no longer taught at Disney Institute.


Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
Orange County Convention Center. Disney and religion – what a cool mashup.


Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
Summer 2013?


Disney Creativity Keynote Speakers
Disney Institute never promoted individual speakers.


The best time to forgive is as soon as possible. – @jeffnoelmidlife


Tweet that.


Carrying resentments and grudges is such a heavy burden. Most have to learn this the hard way.

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Treat everyone like a VIP (very individual person)

Magic bands box
Mrs Incredible is, well, incredible.

I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous. – Walt Disney


Fame can do weird things to people on both sides of it. Stay humble if you get a public image and also know that even famous people have to go number two in the potty.


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Grow up or play like you mean?

Disney Legacy Award speaker
Walt dreamed, created, and inspired.

You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway. – Walt Disney


Life will constantly whisper in your ear, “Grow up.” Be mindful, but don’t drink the cool-aid if you know what i mean. Play like you mean it.


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Balance is not a myth

I love haters hat
Had to do a double take…


I love haters hat
Yes, it says what i thought it says. Love it.

A man should never neglect his Family for business. – Walt Disney


Remember, balance your mind, body, spirit, work, and home. They all help or hinder each other. Improve one, improve them all. Neglect one, they all suffer. – @jeffnoelmidlife


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But so and so won’t let me

quote about blame
i find solace in knowing you never saw me play the victim.


Mistakes are only mistakes when we don’t learn from them. – @jeffnoelmidlife


Tweet that if you know others will benefit.


You may blame others for your misfortune when you are younger. As you mature, learn from that limiting belief and stop doing it.


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