Only the mediocre are at their best everyday

jeff noel has said this for years in his bio, “Allergic to most pollens and mediocrity”.


There’s a common sense notion that we change nothing until we change ourselves.

Deep down inside, we know this.

But what if we fail?

Well, we surely fail if we do nothing or do it half-baked.

Here’s to you. Today is your day. Expect an opportunity where you normally wouldn’t.

Photo: Yesterday. Is Hugh MacLeod, Gapingvoid founder, quietly following Mid Life Celebration’s five daily blogs?

If he’s smart.

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He said he was a Pastor

jeff noel at Akaka Falls Sate park Hawaii
Preaching the Gospel according to Walt?


He said he was a Pastor (since 1998).

How’d you get started, I asked.

He said it started when he would walk around work telling people, “My God is awesome“.

He said so many people wanted to know more.

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Remember what Mother Teresa said?

serve others
if all you can do is write short, pithy posts, offer that to those who might benefit

If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love. – Mother Teresa

We are here to serve, not to be served. Even the smallest act of kindness is helpful. Do what you can. Raise the bar when you can, if you can. And if you can’t, continue to do small things with great love. Always.

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Photo: Mid Life Celebration HQ.

Wise As Serpents And Innocent As Doves?

Life is not a spectator sport.

Jesus loved, even demanded, parables.

Same with paradox.

What does this mean to you and me?

It means we have 24 hours every day to spend any way we want.

No one is going to spoon feed us with life’s answers.

This sort of challenge inspires me to never give up.

The answers are within us. Whether we accept this or not.

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