Dear Son, just watch


The opponent didn’t have to do what he did. In fact, he risked going against every notion of competitive spirit.




This website is about our spiritual health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my career health website, click here.

If we are not willing to die for something…

Disney Executive Coaches


If we are not willing to die for something, we are already dead.

Caution, this may take a lifetime. Also, we may not get a lifetime.

Fundamentally, here is our aim:

Be at peace with who you are and content with what you have.

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Unconventional blogging

Have written five different blogs about life balance every single day since April Fools Day 2009. These blogs celebrate the genius of each seemingly ordinary day. There are four others. Doesn’t make sense until it does.

We most often wait for this special day to arrive

Lab looking lovingly at owner
He’s thinking, “Yesterday you said tomorrow”.


We most often wait for this special day to arrive.

That one momentous day in the future where we plan to start living “fully alive” and give of ourselves in unselfish ways.

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