In the dark, we processed the text

Rene Compton's first book
Have been working with Rene and believe she’s been Heaven sent


A friend’s text came through last night as I was lying in bed, casually reading FB updates in the dark.

David’s high school classmate’s 16-year old Son had drown earlier in the day.

I called down the hall to Chapin’s room.

In the dark, we processed the text, and recalled one of Chapin’s best friend’s suddenly losing his Dad a month ago.

It reinforced the point of not missing a day saying, “I love you” (not the first thing a 12-year old embraces).

So glad just a few hours prior I hit the accept button.

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Important things we never did but should have, could have, or would have

Glacier National Park Mountain Majesty Red Bus tour July 26, 2013
Glacier National Park Mountain Majesty Red Bus tour July 26, 2013


Traveled to Glacier National Park (a week ago) with my Family because I wanted them to know, and remember, of all the places on Earth, Glacier is my absolute favorite. I did this deliberately.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. – Thoreau

Could we come to our deathbed and realize there were a few really important things we never did but should have, could have, or would have, had we known the end time?

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