It Will Also…

The Moon Will Be Their Clock Tonight
The Moon Will Be Their Clock Tonight

Of course, it is the epitome of terror and uncertainty.

One must decide to make the ultimate sacrifice.

In doing so, the captors will release, unharmed, the other to freedom.

The captors give the two good friends until sunrise to decide.

It will be the epitome of your worst nightmare, those moonlit hours before dawn.

It will also the epitome of kindness…

Worst Nightmare – Captive

Worst Nightmare?
Worst Nightmare?

Imagine two great friends. Best buds for as long as they can remember, having a great time on vacation, or maybe a mission trip, or simply having dinner during a routine international business meeting.

And suddenly…


A situation few of us can even comprehend.

And to make it worse, the captors announce an ultimatum.

Both good friends must decide. Only one decision needs to be made.

But both will have to decide….