What Is Your Calling?

Do you feel like you have a “calling”?

Does it even matter to you? And assuming it does, how much does it matter to you?

Are you deep into your calling already? Or are you waiting until you retire?

You know, simply being a stay-at-home Mom may be a calling. Or maybe it’s running your own business, one that employs people, and provides goods and services.

Then again, you might humbly be called to help the elderly couple who live across the street from you, because they have no nearby relatives remaining to help them.

I believe when you learn to live well, you will also have learned how to die well.

No fear. Only joy. And hope. And faith.

And love.

Next blog

You’re Crystal Clear On Your Purpose?

How Big Is Your Glass?
How Big Is Your Glass?

Is your glass half empty or half full?

Good news either way.


Yes, if you’re glass is half-empty, you can be certain it needs to be filled.

If it’s already full, taste it and make sure it’s full of your life’s purpose.

Hint: It’s really simple and it’s the same for all of us.

If your glass is full of some lesser purpose, you can change it to a better purpose.

Same thing goes for Leadership as well.