Five emotional observations from Super Bowl Sunday

Luckiest teddy bear in the world at Super Dome
Luckiest teddy bear in the world?


Five emotional observations from Super Bowl Sunday:

1. Traditions are great reasons to be close to people we love

2. Sports, music, food, friends – few things rival these pleasures

3. Fighting for the prize seems noble

4. Never lose hope for victory

5. Never get comfortable being in control

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Emotional fitness is tied to emotional illness

aging adults enjoying many birthdays
A long life is an enormous opportunity to teach


Can we recall our most important conversation with our parents?

Are our parents still focused on teaching us… about life’s final chapters?

And yes, there are those among us without parents. Maybe we never knew them or they died before we were wise enough, and lucky enough, to have tough, loving conversations.

Margaret, Johnny, and me had that conversation yesterday afternoon.

I led with, “Are you still holding onto Jesus’ hand?”

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Dear Son, the power in being focused and disciplined will reward you exponentially

Photo collage of African safari animals
Scott loved animals and was a safari driver at Disney, then went to Africa on a real safari


Celebration of life for Scott Patrick Milligan
Dear Son, the flower and seed pod (middle right) came from your yard, the seeds are the healing gift


Dear Son, the power in being focused and disciplined will reward you exponentially.

Ever have a week similar to the week after September 11, 2001?

Sad, confused, hopeful?

Remember? Of course we do. We know exactly where we were when we heard the news.

I focused on the “three percent” last night – Christine, her husband John, and her uncle Frank.

Yes, there was also time with Isobel, Brian and Joy, as well as Craig.

Sometimes we touch hearts without even trying, without ever knowing.

Other times, like last night, our only goal is to make sure we hit a bullseye.

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