To whom much has been given (that would be all of us)

Storyteller's Cafe at Disneyland resort
Life is short, learning pace is up to us.


Much of what we fear and hope for is influenced by media.

Much of what we imagine will be required for true success is relatively untested until we actually do a bunch of scary things and see how it turns out.

Ultimately, there is no one size fits all. No well-worn path to success. No recipe.

So we must develop our own convictions. This is exciting and scary simultaneously.

That is, until we tackle enough scary stuff to actually make progress past what we thought was just a pipe dream.

It is breaking through to the mostly unknown that we truly begin to see faith, hope, and blessings beyond measure.

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Prayers for the guts to fire the devil

empty, cold parking lot
Life on the road is often cold and lonely – we see what we want to see, no?


We either began yesterday on our knees or we didn’t.

Only one person in charge of counting our blessings.


Sometimes, we see this CEO counting excuses instead.

Why this CEO isn’t fired is beyond explanation.

Prayers for the guts to fire the devil.

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This pales, but at first it seemed massively inconvenient

Lethbridge viaduct
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada will be without clean water for at least a week


What at first seemed extraordinarily inconvenient and unsafe has quickly been rethought.

A boil water advisory for the next several days.

This so pales in comparison to the Malaysian Jet with 239 passengers that is still missing after six days.

Or a High School classmate’s Son (28) lost to a drunk driver.


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The person we want to be and the person we actually are should one day become…

Oscar Wilde quote on office door grease board
The perils of the dreamer… unknown to many


Difficult to wake up and be grateful all day, everyday.

Isn’t it?

Yet it’s our number one responsibility as a person who confesses humility and gratitude to an omnipotent God.


The person we want to be and the person we actually are should one day become the same – sooner rather than later.

If not today, when?

Like someone overcoming addiction, we triumph one day at a time.

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