Doing the right thing, spirit

32-second video: Unusually challenging contemplation last night.
Four men sitting on chairs
What do you think these men would say? What would you say?

What if you had to choose? Lose sight in one eye or never be active again?


What if you were faced with this specific situation?

What if you were faced with other ‘either or’ choices?

Do you know your priorities and blessings well enough to know your real, not theoretical, answer?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Dying to write this

When you’re a dying man and you know it, you can write like this…

Deep breath.


Because i don’t do certain things doesn’t mean i don’t want to…

Just because i’m always positive doesn’t mean i’m not tempted to be negative.

Just because i exercise regularly doesn’t mean i wouldn’t rather relax at home.

Just because i rarely eat sugar doesn’t mean i don’t want to eat chocolate all day, every day.

Just because i go to bed early and awake early doesn’t mean i don’t want to stay up late or sleep in.

Just because i consistently go to Church doesn’t mean i’d rather use Sunday mornings for something else.

Just because i do not get angry doesn’t mean i don’t want to get angry.

Just because i work so hard to be amazing in my profession doesn’t mean i’d rather spend less time studying, networking, writing, and chasing impossible goals.

Just because i’m decently organized, doesn’t mean there aren’t many days where it is so hard to make decisions on what to keep, what to donate, and what to recycle.

Just because i love technology doesn’t mean i love all the time it takes to keep up with it.

Years ago, i purchased the domain name Excuse Whisperer .com

Wishing everyone, especially you, the best today.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Yes or no peace

Podcasts software admin screen
Yes or no: Should there be any space in your heart to store hate?

Yes or no to peace?

Some yeses are easy.

Some noes are easy.

Yes or no to hate?

Thank you for being direct and simple.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Be your own sunshine

Cinderella mosaic
Not the sunshine.

Be your own sunshine.


Of course the world is tough.

That’s the nature of nature.

In our dwelling space we may think we are not in “the wild”, but we are.

Ours, however, is a civilized wild. A first world wild.

The predators are stress, anxiety, apathy, inactivity, poor nutrition, poor rest, financial overindulgence through credit cards, financial ignorance for not saving early, and on and on.

Be your own sunshine.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Where is your spirit taking you today?

Disney Customer Service speaker trophies on bookshelf
Lower left name in all lower case letters. Intentional. Might even be the first time in Disney history someone has done this.

Where is your spirit taking you today?

To Peace beach?

To Contentment summit?

Gratitude is the key to unlocking happiness.

Try being unhappy when you are grateful.

Happy present moment.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.