Every grateful emotion is a vote

Disney 50 year pin and college dorm
Our Son’s dorm. Our hometown’s 50th anniversary pin.

Every emotion you gratefully feel is a vote for how peaceful and contented you wish to live.


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Spirit wish simplified

Chapin Noel
Gunsight Lake, 2021. Mt Jackson, background.

Wishing you peace in your soul, joy in your spirit, and love in your heart.

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My wish for your spirit

Large plaque honoring college professor
Noteworthy professor, 1888 – 1930. Forty-two years old. Can you imagine?

Whatever you believe in, believe in it 100%.

Your beliefs should serve you in the pursuit of peace and contentment.

Be at peace with who you are.

Be content with what you have.

Of course, faith, hope, and love are foundational.

Remember this transformational list:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Surrender
  4. Patience

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Your habits mushroom

Giant wild mushrooms
Hotel room key for size context. Some of the biggest wild mushrooms i’ve ever seen.
Spent a few minutes enjoying this delightful surprise.

Like a mushroom cloud from a massive explosion, our lifetime habits create the same visual.

Imagine watching a time lapse of your life.

First your body.

Next, your finances.

Third, your face.

No one says this is fair, normal, avoidable.

Yet bottomline, a time-lapse photo will rapidly show how our lifetime habits stunt or enhance our habits’ harvest.

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What if spiritually

Jet flying across a blue sky
Metaphorically heaven is up. In reality, Heaven is anywhere there’s goodness, decency, and love.

Spiritually you have no room for greed, decadence, nor injustice.


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