Minutes after breakfast at St Mary Lodge 300 meters down the hill. Photo: From Gunsight Cottage.
Glacier karma.
Two nights ago we were first in the restaurant. This facilitated impromptu conversation time with our waitress. We knew immediately that she has a generous and deep spirit.
For breakfast yesterday she served us again.
The karma was even stronger. And as i was still solving for who can we gift a Granite Park Chalet reservation to, after having six others love the offer but unable to accept, it hit me – Kamille.
An hour after the gift invitation she confirmed she could do it on one day’s notice.
In the giving, i received.
And so it will be with you, my Son.
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Last night, returning from fetching this morning’s drinking and cooking water.
Twilight sets on the Westside of the Continental Divide – a perfect setting for self-reflection.
We stood here reflecting on the past 24-hour growth spurt. Remarkable progress.
Growth spurts can happen at any time.
Like the past 24 hours.
The phrase honeymoon-effect became a well-known slogan because there’s a human tendency to start strong but maintaining that early enthusiasm and even improving upon that strong enthusiasm is challenging because our enthusiasm consistently needs tending.
Enthusiasm has no auto-pilot.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
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An apparent hiker suicide a week ago closed off Glacier’s most popular trail the day we planned to use it. We hiked an alternative trail. Yesterday, search and rescue teams were transported back to town.
Run your life like you’d run your business.
When you least expect it, good or not so good things can happen.
An incredible work opportunity.
A devastating life event.
Scalable, personal, structure and processes enable you to minimize the negative impact and reduce the recovery time.
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