Why do you love Glacier so much?

biking in the mountains
2018, maybe? McDonald Creek. Mount Cannon center. Oberlin far left. Clements, between Oberlin and Cannon. C-ya real soon.

Q. Why do i love Glacier so much?

A. To me Glacier feels like the Universe’s epicenter.

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Promises are great

Hotel res system
Another reminder of today’s meltdown.

When faced with a potential broken promise — one you had no control over — all you can do is what you can do.

So guess what i did.

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Countdown to Glacier 2024, spirit

Uber driver update
5:24pm at our local airport.

Three weeks on the other side of the world.

Now another three-week time period, but this one’s the wait until departure to the continental divide.

Have never used an Uber in Montana.

The day it becomes common place may be the day when we take a break from GNP.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Gas up before you go

Gas station chalk board
Gas up, laugh it up. Capitalize on the gift of a giving spirit. Give yourself the first round of spiritual giving.
Two men sitting on a stone wall
Lee is head of security and a 10-year Xanterra employee. We met a few years ago at Rising Sun. We are enjoying opening day calm at Lake McDonald Lodge.

Laughing is my favorite thing to do with others.


What i do is serious business, yet i strive to not take myself too seriously.

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Happy 114 birthday Glacier

Does Reynolds Mountain have a birthday? Photo: Two days ago.
40-second video: No traffic is Heavenly.

Glacier National Park opened May 11, 1910.


We’ve never been in Glacier on its Inaugural opening day anniversary, May 11, until today.

It’s fun to think about what, who, where, when, and how the day went in 1910.

Going-to-the-Sun Road didn’t open for another 22 years.

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