When faced with a potential broken promise — one you had no control over — all you can do is what you can do.
So guess what i did.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
When faced with a potential broken promise — one you had no control over — all you can do is what you can do.
So guess what i did.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
Plan for the worst. Hope for the best.
You heard me a month ago say that i thought worst case i’ll permanently lose sight in one eye.
Consequently, i wrote off the rest of the 2023 GNP Summer season. For me this turned a record-setting three-month GNP Summer into a one-month Summer.
Yes, and…
While i cancelled almost all accommodations, i didn’t cancel all of them.
Hoping for the best.
So here we are.
Eye sight is remarkably better than just a week ago.
Can envision me and Cheryl back on a Montana-bound plane.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
What’s the meaning of life? Your answer should be an all-in answer.
What’s the difference between an important belief (value) and an inherited belief (value)?
The answer to literary everything starts with, “It depends”.
Inherited is random and unintentional.
Inherited can be transformational.
Odds of intentional are similar to that of starting a thriving business that lasts well past three to five years; roughly 3%.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
You cannot see or think optimally if you are not quiet and still.
Slow down to speed up.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
Adventure is out there.
Pixar’s UP
Being in the season of life when your odds are unusually higher to encounter health challenges simply because of age…
Not a fan.
Because it’s new, and naïvely unexpected, it feels a little scary.
Not scary like i can’t handle it.
Scary like i can handle it, but i don’t want to, ever.
Kinda like some of the trails i’ve hiked and realize the risks should be more earnestly considered.
So i’m looking around at life’s sixth-decade landscape and becoming increasingly aware this is uncharted territory.
The thought of possibly losing sight in one eye is scary.
But i may be thinking about an issue that seems scary simply because i am a novice.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.