God bless America (for real)

Giant American flag hanging on wall
Consider each day an obligation to be excellent


God bless America can become cruise control, an autopilot thought.

Living like you mean it is when everything we see, everything we smell, everything we touch, everything we taste, and everything we hear has an inherent blessing within it.

It is very challenging to live at this heightened sense of awareness all day, everyday. Kind of like being at work and considering each day an obligation to be excellent.

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Our spirit is very important, no?

Magic Kingdom Haunted mansion sign
Another scary thought is how much spiritual exercise we give ourselves


Our spirit is very important, no?

And like a muscle, needs regular use to remain functional.

A passive spirit, like a passive muscle, does not strengthen.

To get stronger requires strength training – doing things that challenge and tear down our spirit.

Only then does our spirit strengthen.

We know this.

Do we find excuses for not going to the spiritual gym?

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