Fight this battle until the death

one boy surrounded by girls youth soccer team
Being out numbered has pros and cons – we need to decide which


Each morning, taking personal time to reflect, pray, read, write, plan. These are all weapons against apathy.

And yes, I’m acutely aware of the degree of difficulty.

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell. – Buddha

Sharpen our knives, clean our rifles, and check our provisions, while the enemy rests.

Life is meant to be lived on the offensive.

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Perhaps the only mantra a big-hearted person ever needs

Will A Mar Orange Grove for sale
Closed for good?


Oranges rotting on the tree (April 2013)
Oranges rotting on the tree (April 2013)


Rotten oranges in background behind new orange buds
Rotten oranges in background behind new orange buds


Rotten fruit still on trees
Neglect is easy to see in others. Not so easy with ourselves.


Perhaps the only mantra a big-hearted person ever needs.

Glorify the Lord with our life.

Be kind, grateful, and forgiving. That’ll send us on our way quite nicely today.

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