

October 10, 2010.


Just like only preaching what i practice.

If you’re goal isn’t impossible., you’re not reaching high enough.

There’s a decent chance this post will never be read by anyone but me.


No one is going to drill down into a website some 2,800 posts away from the current date.

October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010.

To post here seven years later is quite astonishing.


Because so much of what i thought about blogging has exceeded my wildest expectations.

And a few of the big hopes i had never happened – and i’m ok with that reality.

2, 3, 10, 17, 24

2, 3, 10, 17, 24

These are the days in October 2010 that i wrote five daily, differently-themed blog posts, but scheduled them for a future live posting date.

What this did was create a gap in the Word Press calendar.

i welcomed this because it allowed the actual live posting of my 3,000th post to go live on Halloween.

Pretty scary, no?

But now (November 24, 2017) i’m coming back and filling the gap to have the auto calendar match what i preach – five posts a day, every day, since April Fools day 2009.

When you are an entrepreneur

When you are an entrepreneur, there is no theory.

All there is is try and then learn.

Launch, learn, revise.


Launch, learn, revise.

All the people who dream of how things can be different where they work – well, they have no idea.

September 2010 weekends were made for creativity

September 2010 weekends were made for creativity.

Writing on the weekends but not posting was a super creative way to keep the daily writing streak alive.

It was more than a year of using WordPress before i learned how to schedule future posts.

So yeah, 3k posts seemed monumental.

As i creatively correct the Word Press calendar tallies (now, November 24, 2017), i’ve already passed the 15,000 blog post milestone.
