Is it possible to avoid bitterness in the end years?

isn’t the goal to be grateful, not bitter?

Is it possible to avoid bitterness in the end years? If you live to 87, and haven’t had to work another day in your life since the day you retired, and you attended Mass since you were a kid, and your daughter married a good man, what is there to be bitter about?

What if you neglected regular exercise, say simply walking? Could that be a devastating blow?

What if you never verbally told the people you love the most that you love them? Could that do it?

I wonder.

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Are you religious, spiritual, or neither?

heavy hitters no doubt, but heavy kneelers?

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious?

This is an example of the type of question that we all think of, but few can answer. Does it deserve an answer? Another interesting question. Have a nice day.

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