A Small Prayer With Big Repercussions

Help us build a strong foundation, an unshakeable core.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help everyone, including me ( I hope that isn’t selfish), to have faith in our dreams and please bless us with the will and determination to do the right things for the right reasons. Basically, help us to always keep moving forward, even if it’s slow. Oh, and to not quit. Amen.

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Our Father Who Art In Heaven

The only ones who love to travel (for a living) are those that don't.

Hallowed be thy name. Give us this day the presence on mind, body, and spirit to help as many people as we can, as often as we can. It’s a good antidote for our own troubles.

As I travel today to Texas, via Orlando and Houston, help me be your instrument. PS. Please help everyone else on our planet to do the same. Thank you.

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