Big deal vs little deal

Disney book writing in Glacier park
Friends i met on the plane from Minneapolis to Kalispell. They were a 5-minute walk away at Apgar Campground. They are a couple who are volunteer Avalanche Campground managers. They aren’t paid, but they get to live in Glacier National Park for free.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
Hiking to Avalanche Lake for the first time ever.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
Normally, this place is packed, which is the main reason i’ve steered clear all these years.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
First look.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
An “i was there” pic.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
A “we were there” pic.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
A “so were we” pic.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
It ain’t the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
Stopped in to say hello and inquire about any special requests i might ask for.


Disney book writing in Glacier park
Closest i’ve ever been to a rainbow.


It isn’t the great big pleasures that count the most; it’s making a great deal out of the little ones. – Jean Webster


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This is a tricky directive

Village Inn at Apgar
Very first photo i took. Entered the room from the parking lot side and exited out the front door…


Village Inn at Apgar
Lake McDonald is the highest i’ve seen it. Then again, i’ve never been here while the snow melt is peaking.


Village Inn at Apgar
Stepped back in the room and shot this from the middle of the room.


Don’t be willing to except an ordinary life. – Salle Merrill Redfield


This is a tricky directive.

Our lives are filled with ordinary days.

It’s up to us to see the Magic.

Then we can experience extra-ordinary.


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Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Does our brain hurt now?

disney t-shirt
Walking through Epcot recently, this is how i often feel. It’s a “good hurt”.


Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw


Before you start creating, have a pretty good idea what you want to become. And get your ideas from the best sources available.


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Happiness math

florida pool


florida pool


Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others. – A. Nielsen


Was by myself in the two photos above.

i shared my own enthusiasm with myself.

It definitely multiplied.


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Today is not for rent

Disney Customer Service speaker
No place like home.


Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow. – Jerry Spinelli


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