Two thin places

Mountain ridge
You go up and over Pollock (R) to get to Bishops Cap (L).

Standing on the Continental Divide at 8,000-10,000’ never gets old.


We are one week away from wheels up for GNP.

Our second trip this year.

Our first May trip.

Our first 2024 trip with me seeing (clearly) out of both eyes.

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It’s easy when you

Four people in the mountains
We habitually are the first or second at the trail heads. As the morning progresses and the crowds arrive, we know how and where to go for continued solitude.

It’s easy to be kind when you are grateful.


It’s easy to forgive when you are grateful.

It’s easy to surrender when you are grateful.

It’s easy to love when you are grateful.

Insight: Grateful doesn’t mean the absence of heavy, sometimes unbearable burdens. Grateful means you have life’s inescapable challenges, and you are glad they aren’t worse.

Note: It is not lost on me that i may face a burden that conquers me, crushes me.

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What if they say yes?

Michael Jr with jeff noel
One is world-class funny. One is not world-class funny. Michael Jr made me laugh while taking this pic.
Michael Jr with jeff noel
This is me trying to make Michael Jr laugh. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Sometimes it’s something ventured (me) nothing gained (Michael Jr). Almost made him laugh.
Michael Jr with jeff noel
When a Pro (Right) looks at their student (Left) after the student tries but isn’t quite there yet.

What if they say no? What if they say yes?


Note: The photos of Michael Jr and me are from Louisville, Kentucky April 2018.

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Dream on

jeff noel at a Disney Theater stage
Who’s the beauty and who’s the beast? The truth or the illusion? Photo: Beauty and the Beast theater.

You may call me a dreamer but i’m not the only one.

J. Lennon

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Kneel at the alter

Three adults at Epcot
We know four people in this photo.

Worshipping something or worshipping nothing is the same thing. Belief.


To each their own.

Live and let live.

Spend no time wishing you could have been someone else.

Spend no time wishing you could have believed something else.

Kneel at the alter of your choice.

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