Less than a mile away

road sign hanging on patio
Our back porch “tangible memory”.

Walt Disney World is less than a mile away, but we still have this road sign for “good luck”.

If it makes you smile and no one gets hurt, do as much of it as possible.

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Be nice to everyone

Be nice to everyone.

Wait, you just said trust no one and cautiously observe new people.


Being kind, generous, patient, forgiving, compassionate…none of these things need you to trust someone in order to freely give to others.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

12 things to know about content

Disney Lifetime achievement awards
These came to me. There was never a pursuit.

12 Things to know about Content:

  1. simple
  2. no slides
  3. different
  4. powerful
  5. intentional
  6. better
  7. fun
  8. nimble
  9. scalable
  10. portable
  11. transformational
  12. game changing

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Jody Maberry Podcast guest

apple calendar closeup photo
Already had Jody’s dates.

Do good work.

Do it for good reasons.

Do it in the same good spirit you hope to receive.

Jody asked if i had time tomorrow to record his special annual episode revealing his five quotes. His five favorite quotes guide his year.

Have plans all day tomorrow so suggested “now or in a bit if it works for you”.

Thirty minutes later, you guessed it, Jody hit record. Two hours later, i’m writing this post.

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Small ideas can explode goodness

Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker Jeff Noel
One of the first Disney Leadership Keynote speeches i gave after retiring from Disney October 31, 2014. Look who’s lying on the stage, far left.

Third word.

CM% driving in today?

Jan 25, 1982. Happy, clean, job.

D-Point. T-North activity.

60k, 2k, 1

2 sisters.

(ask so what?)


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