Will “The Church” embrace digital disruption?
On the photo’s right is me thinking about having a collection app on our phone for when the donation baskets (one for the Church and one for Stewardship) come to us.
This would give the physical signal that we have taken action.
Currently, we automatically give electronically every three months (once a quarter). So when the baskets come to us, we don’t do anything except pass them ahead. It appears as if we don’t give.
PS. The acronym NYE in the photo above stands for New Year’s Eve.
Yesterday was New Year’s Day for the Catholic Church – the first Sunday of Advent.
Our Priest asked the congregation if we had celebrated NYE the night before.
His point, most of us were unaware.
But we are certainly aware of the secular NYE celebration opportunities.
What if we were equally, if not more, aware of the beginning of the Messiah story?
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