Reunite with Facebook?
A year ago i stopped posting to my personal Facebook.
Too much that doesn’t feel right about it.
So will i reunite with personal Facebook after a year’s absence?
Not sure.
One side says, steer clear of the emotional distractions.
The other side says go back to being “social”.
What if i could be social, but on personal terms with individuals using texts and calls?
What if a few text groups were created?
To my eyes, i see too much immaturity, competition, anger, distraction, and score keeping.
Would you use Facebook if the like button was removed and comments were disabled?
If there were no “affirmations” to compare yourself to, would you use Facebook?
Do you find yourself wishing your life could be as exciting or vibrant as some of your friends?
Do you wish some of your other friends would stop whining and complaining?
Do your friends posts lift you up and help propel you to your dreams?
Do you really want everyone in your friend group to know all the things you post?
How many times a day do you look at Facebook?
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