Dear Son, don’t let this temptation stop you.
Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from what you can.
Man outside of Qdoba last night: Hey buddy, I’m kinda homeless, can you spare anything?
Dad exiting with his dinner to go: Sorry, i don’t carry cash.
Man: Ok, thanks anyway.
Dad, walking to parking lot turns around and goes back to the man: Have you eaten dinner today?
Man: No.
Dad, explaining it’s a simple children’s chicken quesadilla meal, with chips and guac.
Man: I don’t want to take your dinner.
Dad: i can buy another one.
Man: Gratefully accepts the to-go bag, grabs his small backpack, and walks away.
Dad, returning to his car notices the cashier who rang up his meal – she was watching the whole thing go down.
She seemed surprised. And maybe a little heart warmed.
So what benefited two, actually had a ripple effect for a third.
That’s how powerful actions are.
Intended or otherwise.
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