Resting on Sunday (Sabbath) sure looks good on paper. Saturday night I was thinking about the two speeches I would deliver yesterday (Sunday) morning.
There is a certain anxiety that accompanies a public speaker’s life. Large or small audiences, it doesn’t matter. Everyone is expecting you to be smart, and hopefully, funny.
The first speech, a reading from the book of the prophet Amos, was 90 seconds, delivered to an audience of hundreds.
The second speech, the Homily, was seven minutes, delivered to 60 children from kindergarten to 5th grade. It was in a separate building, a few minutes after the first.
Unlike today’s point at Mid Life Celebration, I didn’t tell our son (10) “why” I worked so hard on a Sunday. Well, not until dinner last night.
Even Jesus had to explain (defend) why he worked (helped others) on Sunday.
You now exactly what it’s like. Most of the work we do to serve others looks easy and natural.
Can we all agree it would have been so much easier to sleep in?
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