Word for word, copied and pasted from yesterday’s Seth Godin blog post.
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Change, real change, is the result of focused persistence.
It’s easy to get a bunch of people sort of excited for a little while.
The challenging part, and the reason that change doesn’t happen as often as it should is that we get distracted. Today’s urgent is more urgent than yesterday’s important.
The concept of breaking news and the crisis of the day proves my point. If the world ended every time Wolf Blitzer implied it would, we would have been toast a long time ago. The organizations that actually change things are the ones that have a time horizon that’s longer than 36 hours.
There are very few overnight successes. Very few entrepreneurs, freelancers, non-profits, candidates, spiritual leaders, activists or people in a successful relationship that got there with thunder and lighting. It happens with a drip.
PS this post is intentionally disfigured in honor of Break the Internet. I’m annoyed that we have to continually fight this fight, but it just proves my point. Drip by drip.
Keep showing up. If it matters, keep showing up.
(Ok, this is the end of Seth’s post. Below the page break, my post.)
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Ok, here’s my contribution to jeffnoel.org today…
The long way is the short cut.
Stop looking for quick fixes or to hire someone to do your most important work.
Walt Disney and Steve Jobs did not appoint someone to create their legendary organizational culture.
You get where this just went, right?
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