It wasn’t worth betting on. Right?

Tray of Lobster Tails ready for grilling


(photo above: They call him the grill master for a reason)


Sanibel Sunset


(photo above: quick, last minute walk to beach to confirm the sunset washout)


Sanibel sunset


(photo above: there was a reason for not running back up to the cottage to deliver the ‘obvious’ news)

An atypical Sanibel Summer day. Cloudy all day. And stormy.

And the hope of enjoying another stunning Sanibel sunset was washed away.

Brought Lobster tails from Orlando to grill one night. Last night was that night.

After dinner, as an afterthought, took the 20-second walk to the water and looked right. Just to confirm the sunset shut out. It wasn’t worth betting on. Right?

But was there was an outside chance of brilliance?

The long shot wins once in awhile. Remember?

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.