Sometimes, friends nearby will say to me, “Showoff.”
At Gold’s Gym one time, Joe said, “You intimidate people.”
“What are you talking about, Joe”, I asked, confused and astonished.
He said, “You intimidate people. Because you’re gifted.” Come to find out he was referring to my physical fitness appearance.
I told Joe “The only gift I have, is that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.” We both smiled big smiles.
Maybe six years ago, two colleagues and I were in the break area, the two of them discussing their latest diet (Atkins I think it was), and I asked them, “How come no one ever asks me what I do – to lose weight, I mean?”
“You don’t need to worry about it”, was the quick and serious reply.
Know what I said? And I was pissed frustrated with their answer. I said, “I worry about it every single day, that’s why I don’t need to worry about it!!”
You know what? Maybe working harder than others is showing off.
The “guilt” you’ve heard me talk about is really just a humble attempt to say I do not feel guilty. I’ve busted my back trying to make extra-ordinary from ordinary. And it’s been one success after another.
Now, I guess being the Internet’s only “Five-a-Day Blogger” is showing off too?