Is God calling people to go to church or be His church?

Mid Life Celebration the book, in Calgary Alberta Canada
Casual glances lead to overlooking what’s right in front of us (see it?)


Is God calling people to go to church or be His church?

Hey, can I please have 15 seconds of his time? The two others waiting said, go ahead.

It lasted two minutes. Leaving his office, apologized to the secretary and the two folks waiting – for taking longer than promised.

Walking (half skipping) backwards down the hall, hands folded and bowing graciously to them, she quickly said, you’re like a 12 year old, I love your energy.

I said whoa, wait, and walked quickly toward them and said, you know what it is? It’s blessings. Being fully conscious – all day everyday. I don’t want to waste a single day.

They both seem astonished, smiled… and then thanked me for saying that.

It seemed like a ‘Church’ moment.

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There is gold in those distant hills

Orlando lakefront property
There is a chance that a big house on a lake facing Disney fireworks could do the same thing


There is gold in those distant hills. And the gold is the two big, desirable emotions we all want to possess – peace and contentment.

Peace with who we are.

Content with what we have.

Authenticity is the only path.

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Better Start Living Soon

Profound graffiti message…

Do you find yourself enjoying more of life as the years go by?

Do you find the things that used to matter don’t matter much anymore?

But everywhere we turn, society bombards us into believing that the simple things in life are not worth chasing.

(You are not what you own)

What say ye?

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