“Do you have any questions?”, the Brevard Zoo staff member asked the boys.
One six-year old boy threw his arm up in the air, “Can scorpions fart?”
Brevard Zoo. Yesterday, January 24, 2010. Twenty Cub Scouts plus an equal number of Parents.
Our Church has a growing Cub Scout Pack. It shut it’s doors two years ago, due to low enrollment.
Last year, two Dads resurrected our Pack and Twelve boys with a few Tiger Cubs, a few Wolf Cubs, and even fewer Bear Cubs. It was intimate to say the least. And it was my first year having a Wolf Cub.
This year, we’ve tripled. Now our trips have more energy, more unpredictability. More involved Parents. More blessings.
More humor.
Thanks to a couple of dedicated Dads (Rob & Greg) (and also Mike) who led us last year. They could have given up and said it was too much work.
That would not have been very funny.