It’s just a bunch of words

Thoughts often arrive at the most unexpected times. Tore a corner page to write it down.


Pray without ceasing means what? It’s just a bunch of words.

Under a microscope, it looks like a million little things that make up every choice we make about everything:

Some people who’ve been to hell and back (and we all have), you would never know because they never talk about how awful it was. All they talk about is how grateful they are to be back.


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Grateful for the devil’s reminders

Orlando News Vans


(photo: Two Orlando News vans outside Orlando Police Headquarters, while parking for the WordPress meeting yesterday.)

So thankful for the reminders that the devil places in front of us.

Seeing how others are struggling and how many feel victimized is the perfect reminder and encouragement.

It reminds us of our own struggles, and encourages us to keep fighting.

Take no prisoners when it comes to feeling victimized.

Patience is strength.

So is determination.

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Everywhere we are is this place

Sanford Orlando Airport view from parking garage top floor


(photo: Everywhere we are is a place of worship.)

Most days are difficult. Use gratitude as a path to happiness.

While constant happiness may seem elusive, constant gratitude should never be.

And it’s hard to be unhappy when we are seriously grateful.

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