Reprise: Each day we do or don’t do something makes it easier to do it again tomorrow

Little League game in Hilo Hawaii
Just another day on the Big Island of Hawaii


Hilo Rotary Club Baseball scoreboard
Game just starting, but it’s time for me to move on (shortcut through Cemetery)


Infant gravestone in Hilo, Hawaii cemetery
Read the description carefully – Infant


Hilo, Hawaii Cemetery near Baseball fields
Hilo, Hawaii Cemetery near Baseball fields


Dear Son, each day we do or don’t do something makes it easier to do it again tomorrow.

Each “I love you”, makes tomorrow’s easier.

Each, “You too”, makes tomorrow’s easier.

Use the first one.

Life is habit.

Like it or not, it is.

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Three questions about spirituality around the world

Green Sea Turtles resting on Hawaiian Black Sand Beach
Waiting in line to see the Doctor?


Biologists helping the Green Sea Turtles
Helping the Green Sea Turtles is what they do


Three questions about spirituality around the world:

  1. Is spirituality portable?
  2. Is it the same everywhere?
  3. How can we tell?

Today offers a chance for additional cultural immersion – and another chance to answer great questions.

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