Way more prayer warriors than you might expect in the workplace

Orlando Based Leadership Speakers


(photo: After 30 years at Disney the final day arrived… it was yesterday, Halloween.)

There are so many who are quietly, and invisibly, praying for you.

It’s mind blowing how many professional people believe in something so strongly yet rarely, if ever, talk openly about it.

Yet make no mistake, there is an army of prayer warriors in your work place. Am taking solace in this on the very first day of ‘retirement’.

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Each time he was in view for the next 50 minutes

Prosthetic leg at Golds Gym


(photo: View from incline sit up bench while doing a 10-minute core routine.)

Our core is an amazing source of hard work and joy.

Yesterday on the way home from WordPress Orlando Meetup, prioritized the day to include a workout at Golds Gym.

Gone all week on a business trip. Began the morning in a rush to get caught up before driving downtown for the monthly WordPress Meetup. Easily a four-hour commitment, including travel.

Then took an additional hour coming home to honor the temple housing everything keeping humans alive, our body.

While spending ten minutes on the inclined abdominal bench, the young man in the photo did a few sets of dips.

It was in the very first moments… the sign of the cross, a heartfelt prayer, and then additional thoughts and prayers each time he was in view for the next 50 minutes. And finally, this photo (iPhone is used as a stopwatch during every workout, so a camera is always handy).

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Not in a million years

University of Iowa Track


(photo: University of Iowa Track… most runners are road runners, not track & field runners)

When we pray for others it is good and decent. When we pray for ourselves is that selfish?

Maybe by itself, but as a percentage of daily prayers for the past decade, not in a million years.

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Praying for everyone struggling with big, unexpected challenges

Warren Buffett quotes
Timely thoughts from someone who seems to have it all (does he?)


Praying for everyone struggling with big, unexpected challenges.

That pretty much covers all of us, no?

Hang in there.

Find a millions ways to remember that our response will either be an example or a warning for the younger folks following in our footsteps.

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