Could This Be The Real Reason We Take So Many Blessings For Granted?

I don’t know why we fail to count our blessings more often. Maybe it’s not cool enough. This is why following life’s Herd robs us of our courage to follow the path less traveled.

The path less traveled is where the greatest rewards are. Rewards like peace of mind. We know this yet we choose otherwise.

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If I Could Save Time In A Bottle…

With the passage of each July 25th, Randy Pausch’s untimely death will remind us that life is a gift, even though we should need no reminding. And living out our childhood dreams helps our children:

Jim Croce, the singer of Time In A Bottle is the Father in this video. He also died too soon. Lord, help me to live each day fully. In doing so, should you need me sooner than expected, it’ll be okay.

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