Day 7 GPL with Di Lollo, spirit

Two people next to red bear statue
Glacier’s sister park.

Colors are important elements of symbols.

The red Canadian maple leaf.

Some symbols work with or without color.

The Apple symbol on the back of an iPhone or Mac.

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Day 6 GPL with Di Lollo, spirit

The clouds performing double duty in the sky and on the ground.

Simple doesn’t mean easy. But simple does mean simple.

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Day 5 GPL with Di Lollo, spirit

Zooming in. A sun-soaked, isolated island in the midst of massive mountain shadows.

Sow peace.

Tend to peace.

Hone peace.

Teach peace.

Wisdom: Teach peace by example, without saying a word.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.