Yesterday, for the fist time in years (probably longer), I saw the color of my skin

Martin Luther King Jr. quote
Thank God for Martin Luther King Jr. Seriously.


Mentioned yesterday there’s a likelihood we’ll see thoughts on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

Not sure if i can do it.

Whether it’s worth it.

If it will make it better, or worse.

Yesterday, for the fist time in years (probably longer), I saw the color of my skin being visible to others as we passed each other by.


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Can a Contemporary Christian radio station transform a life?

Classroom flip chart bullseye diagram
Radio waves equal life changing wow!


Can a Contemporary Christian radio station transform a life?

Hell yeah!

On my heart is a follow up to an unintentionally ungrateful heart.

A last ditch effort so to speak.

And then to let it go, and let God.

Convinced it can change a life because it has profoundly changed mine.

This Central Florida Contemporary Christian radio station.

Insight: There’s peace in staying with something, doing a remarkable job, then letting it go.

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