Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny

Now Blow Out The Candles...
Now Blow Out The Candles...

Happy birthday Aunt Jenny.

My Dad’s (only) younger sister’s birthday is today.

Jenny Noel is an amazingly accomplished Musician, an extraordinary Church organist, a retired Elementary School Music Teacher, and a cancer survivor.

Do you have relatives that have passed away and you don’t know much about them?

Do you have relatives that are still alive that fit the same category?

How have you handled this opportunity?

Filled With

Torment. Pain. Weight. Pressure.

This is what addiction can feel like.

It’s impossible to comprehend, unless you’ve been called out, voluntarily or, involuntarily.

Sitting here at the Orlando International Airport, listening to the TV broadcast a documentary on alcoholism.

Listening to the personal stories, each one different, each one the same.

Does someone you care deeply for have an addiction?

Do you?

The answer to the second question is always no, isn’t it?

If only it were true.

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How many words is a picture worth?

And how many words are in this picture?

Doesn’t matter. What matters is that we don’t go through our daily motions and miss inspirational moments, so that we can let that inspiration linger in us long enough to pay it forward.

The words in the picture that did that for me?

“And let us Love each other well, in Christian Holiness”.

Let’s forgive each other our human sins, as we would expect, or hope, others would do for us.


What is our most important value as human beings?

Is it kindness, love, compassion?

Some believe it’s kindness. Isn’t kindness the same thing as Love and compassion?


It Was Just A Test

Deep In Thought...
Deep In Thought...

It was just a test.

A test we’d all like to pass, but none of us would want to take.

One must voluntarily die, so the other may live.

This is the epitome of kindness.

No matter what you believe about Jesus, none of us can deny that history has documented His death on the cross.

Heretic? Prophet? Son of God? Wise sage?

Was it just a test?