Care. Share. Prepare.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
Hey, gotta make this blog post brief. The phone is ringing….
Talk to you later.
Disney Customer Service Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Care. Share. Prepare.
Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
Hey, gotta make this blog post brief. The phone is ringing….
Talk to you later.
Rejoice In The Lord. That was Sunday’s message. Rejoice!
This is a great goal, to rejoice. How is it done though? Life is so crazy busy that sometimes, I don’t know what day it is.
Ever feel like that?
Or, perhaps some people, this year especially, are struggling so much financially, that they can’t see straight.
So, what are we supposed to do? How does one rejoice under these circumstances?
We all know the answer, don’t we?
Oh, you know what, there are probably exceptions to when and whom we get to forgive.
Is that it? Is that what you think?
PS. Do you sometimes wonder if God ever has a tough time deciding?
Do you? Can you? Will you?
Traveling all last week, I heard many negative and malicious comments about Tiger Woods. There’s a fairly rampant, and unfavorable, judgement on Tiger Woods, the Golfer.
And when I took this photo, I was actually in a negative judgement mindset as well.
And then it hit me. What about Tiger Woods, the man, not the golfer. The human being, just like you and me.
If Tiger Woods asks God for forgiveness, do you think God will deny Tiger Woods?
Would God deny you forgiveness?
Then why would Tiger be any different?
Then why would I be any different?
Opportunity isn’t always obvious.
Dude, they totally missed the mark on this one. Seriously. I wouldn’t lie to you.
And you hate to call somebody out when they’ve made a mistake, but this time, I just had to.
See? What did I tell you? Merry Christmas! 🙂