Love, Hope, Faith

Mountains reflecting in a lake
St Mary Lake is rarely ‘glass’.
Mountains reflecting in a lake
’Glass’ makes stunning reflections.

What are my spiritual priorities? What is their prioritized order?


Love, the greatest of these.



To be at peace with who i am and content with what i have.

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Tough decisions should be easy

Mountain Pass sign
Cheryl took some unexpected May photos.
6-second video: Some levity after a presentation’s unexpected cancellation.
National Park entrance
Drove straight to Lake McDonald Lodge so we can walk a few miles.
17-second video: Roughly a two mile walk to McDonald Falls

The best relationships have breadth and depth.


Seeing all of Glacier’s deciduous trees in buds is a first.

It’s a deeper insight into a season that always happens but we’ve never seen it until this visit.

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Securing the dock

mountain lake marina dock
Apgar’s marina dock on Lake McDonald.

Nature is my favorite professor.


Apgar’s marina dock get’s pulled out of the water in late September or early October.

Apgar’s marina dock get’s put back in the water in May.

For eight months the dock sits on the shore. The goal is to avoid damage when the lake freezes and to wait for water levels to rise in Spring.

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Spring in Glacier, 2024

purple wildflower
Can’t recall seeing this Glacier wildflower before today.
Glacier lilly
Bluey and this Kangaroo are Glacier’s 2024 headline ‘Characters’.
8-second video: Never saw this flower until today.
18-second video: What are the odds of a never before seen (by me) flower at Wild Goose Island?

Spiritual health is wealth.


It’s fun and invigorating to do something new, like visit here in Spring.

We stayed warm enough today during our brief outside explorations. However, the windchills chased us back to the car far earlier than desired.

This trip’s final three days are forecasted sunny and 70.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Travel in peace

Swimming Pool app
Was in the pool before the Cardinal encounter.
22-second video: Late yesterday.
14-second video: Go figure.

Observe. Learn. Act.


Have fun.

.think .differently

Lean into discomfort.

Then, theoretically, let your life be your message.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.