Serving is worship

Serving is worship.

But ‘worship’ isn’t necessarily serving.

Sitting in a pew at Church is a passive activity. The congregation is being served by the Priest. The congregation is not particularly focused on others during Mass.

Parishioners are highly likely to be thinking about serving others. But like all activities in life, we do not have time to do them all. So serving others is more like a wish or desire than an actual behavior.

The road to heck is paved with good intentions.

And so, we drive home after Mass and get back into our daily survival mode.

There’s a highly overlooked habit that you can master. And if you don’t think you can master it, perhaps you can be very good at it.

Mostly invisible or imperceptible by others, focus on these types of behaviors…

Serving others (and yourself) with patience, forgiveness, generosity, kindness, hope…this is the emotional DNA that makes life blossom.

No one really sees pollen and how it gets to a plant, but it does, prolifically.

As i always say, “Every step is Church”.

Makes sense then to think (and believe) that every step is serving.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Right like you mean it

Garmin GPS webpage
Satellite tracking device for Glacier. Upgraded to the newer model last year. While it’s similar to a compass, it most closely mirrors the Mobile phone. You can communicate where wifi and cell signal doesn’t exist. You’d be completely disconnected without this device. On a rare occasion, this could be disasterous.

Right like you mean it.

This is intentionally different (and similar) to today’s first post, “Write like you mean it“.

People want to be right.

People don’t necessarily want others to be wrong.

People simply do not want to be “the people who are wrong”.

Life, the Universe, ideas, and literally everything has a ying and yang. An opposite.

They say opposites attract.

Opposites divide too.

Last night at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump was apparently shot in a likely assignation attempt.

Right and wrong is a simple example of opposites.

Perhaps ‘right like you mean it’ conveys a belief that has no opposite.

Killing another person seems irrefutably wrong.

Self-defense is a different story.

A political rally…could the gunman have held the belief that he was acting in self defense?

This is one way life gets complicated.

i’m not smart enough to know a definitive answer in either direction.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

To blog or not to blog

Disney's Partner's statue
Like Walt, i enjoy doing impossible things. It’s kinda fun doing the impossible, especially the first time.

Big question.

Important question.

Pressing question…

Am i earnestly revisiting the notion to stop writing five daily, differently-themed blog posts?



Perhaps a better question is, “Why not?”

First, there’s nothing to prove.

There’s never been anything to prove.


But, i do enjoy it.

So much so that i’ve never missed a single day in nearly 6,000 days.

There’s more to this story…

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Eye surgery followup, spirit

14-second video: “It’s a tradition.”

Human body maintenance is no less important than vehicle, home, yard, finance, etc maintenance.


Because neglecting your car or your home could have serious consequences in the future.

Same with our body.

The money we spend for new tires, oil changes, timing belts, brakes, insurance, etc…what if we treated our body like a vehicle or our living quarters (aka home/apartment/condo)?

My life has been dramatically better since I started thinking about it that way decades ago.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Spiritual Concert

5-second video: The ‘journey’ has come to an end. Next up, Def Leppard…
32-second video: Showtime…
31-second video: …showtime…go-tiime!

Def Leppard exceeded my expectations.

With a long list of Rock bands ahead of them in ‘Jeff-land’, they surprised and delighted me with their content catalog and incredible presentation.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.