July 20 Wheels up to Glacier Day 1, spirit

The snow pack is steadily melting. The smaller it is when i arrive, the easier the first hike (summit) will be.
The likely route is between the snowpack bottom and the cliff below it.

Does praying work?

Depends on your conviction, and a host of other factors.

Note: Prayers are always answered. Humans forget that you can’t always get what you want, but as Mick Jagger reminds us, we can get what we need…a growth-mindset is key to seeing the silver lining in every situation.

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July 19 Countdown to Glacier, spirit

Been on top three times. Hoping to do it again in the next week.

Hard to imagine ‘Thin Places’ not presenting every day.

The top of this mountain is a bonafide ‘thin place’.

Insight: When fully present, anywhere in our world, every day is a ‘thin place’.

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Two days until Glacier, spirit

Person on a high Mountain Ridge
Hoping Steve and Stacy are up for another Bishops Cap summit hike. Not sure who took the photo or who the person is in the photo, but i’ve been to this spot. To walk along the Continental Divide ridge is a heavenly experience.

Loving this short burst between returning from Australia and heading out West.

Three weeks back home.

Two days away from flying to the Continental Divide.

When i change what i see, what i see changes.

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Three days until Glacier, spirit

How do we benefit from spiritual consistency?

How important is the consistency of our peace?

Conversely, what’s at risk if we aren’t consistent?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.

Four days until Glacier, spirit

50-seconds video: i love how weird thoughts seem to be attracted to me.
Garmin Inreach Mini 2 set up screen
Technology helps break barriers.

Weird thought yesterday while watching a brown Anole.

It’s time for a run-on sentence…

Had a very productive day, 12 hours worth, and was relaxing at 5 PM watching an Anole and thought in their short lifespan, knowing they’re gonna be eaten by a snake or some rodent or whatever, do they just live it up until they die and they die happy?

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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.