Never. Ever.

Obama crying on the front of The Globe
God is there for everyone, every where, all the time. No exceptions. Ever.


God will never, ever abandon us.



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Have been experimenting with a couple things the past 30 days

Black eyed susans in Iowa front yard
When traveling and running, it’s common habit to send my wife (photos of) flowers


Have been experimenting with a couple things the past 30 days.

  • Not kissing our Son’s head first thing in the morning and last thing at night
  • Not exchanging a bear hug with our Son (13) in parking lot after school

Do the little things make a difference?

Hard to prove, right?

If we always do certain things but start taking them for granted and then stop.

Then is it clear?

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One thing we can get from someone who’s never seen us work before

Pile of train track rails
Feedback is critical to helping us stay on track with our vision


One thing we can get from someone who’s never seen us work before.

Great, unexpected feedback. Positive or critical. Doesn’t matter. It’s all considered a gift.

The professional intern watched the keynote presentation and afterwards he shared one of the main reasons the speaker connected so well with the audience was because of the speaker’s humility on the stage.

Blindsided. In a positive way.

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How and where to volunteer is a big question in 2014

Catholic bulletin announcement for readers
After a lifetime of 8:45am Mass, we may be moving


Shortly after becoming a professional speaker in 1999 there was a campaign for parishioners to volunteer their time, talent, and/or treasure.

We were already giving ‘treasure’, so becoming a Catholic Lector seemed reasonable.

What does this mean to anyone else?

Who needs our time, talent, and treasure more?

Our Church or our Family?

Perhaps the volunteering and donating could be for a family member instead of the Church?


Life is hard.

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