Unknowing, Brian Brooker helped

empty ski lift chairs in New York mountains's fog
God is on every chair (see Him?)


Do you follow certain RS feeds, have email subscriptions to writers and thought-leaders? Me too. Here’s an excerpt from Brian Brooker’s Daily Word email I subscribe to:

“I got a phone call this morning from a dear friend of mine who lives near Orlando, Florida.

He made what I thought was an amazing comment. He said : I like your devotions best when you talk about yourself, because I know you and I want to get to know you better.” That’s what friendship is all about!. . . getting to know each other better.

If we can have this kind of passion to get to know each other better, then shouldn’t we also have the same passion to know our Savior deeply and personally ?

Christ Himself said that this was at the crux of eternal life, knowing “the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou (God) hast sent.”

That was also the heartbeat of the Apostle Paul. He wrote to the church at Philippi “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:8

My friend took a few minutes out of his busy schedule first thing this morning to let me know he wanted to know me better. Should that not be the attitude of every believer? Let our prayer this morning simply that we might know Him”!”

Brian Brooker serves Auburn Baptist Chucrh and you can subscribe to his Daily Word here.

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Ever wonder if God sort of negotiates with us each morning?

New York mountains and a sunset
Only with the end in sight do we start to measure the value of a day


What’s our obligation to work hard, stay focused, and pour ourselves out throughout the entire day?

God: “Here’s another day for you.”

Us: “Thank you God. Anything else?”

God: “Yes, be amazing today.”

Us: “Um, okay. Thanks again.”

Ever wonder if God sort of negotiates with us each morning?

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What if we didn’t criticize the “bad” Christians, but thanked the “good” ones?


American Flag flying at Chicago business
Flying a flag may or may not prove how you’ll act


What if we didn’t criticize the “bad” Christians, but thanked the “good” ones?

With our precious, limited time, will we spend it focused on all the reasons why something is bad… or all the reasons something is good?

And how does that impact who we ultimately become?

And how much does this even concern us?

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Please grant us the strength and wisdom to find a voice that is worth listening too

unusual poster in conference center
Talking to ourselves is far from sounding crazy


Please grant us the strength and wisdom to find a voice that is worth listening too.

And not someone else’s voice, our own voice.

Let us pray for patience, creativity, feedback, purpose, and drive.

To do what we must, when we must, whether we feel like it or not.

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