Go! jeff noel, Professional Speaker, Says GO!

Life's Big Choices, Midlife Celebration

There is no time like the present. Go. We must begin and never stop. We can rest when we’re dead. jeff noel’s writing is altering it’s course. Same purpose, new route.

It’s a funny thing that noel does that no one else on the Internet does, he writes five daily, differently-themed blogs about Life’s Big Choices. If you’re a spiritual person and only read jeff noel.org, you’re missing the other 4/5 of the wellbeing equation.

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Never Get Bored With The Spiritual Basics, With Life’s Basics

Even with closer inspection, the basics are still hard to focus on

We get so busy. Trying to squeeze too much into each day. I do it to a fault, rationalizing it’s midlife’s planting season. The responsibility to sow now to feed my family in the future.

Planting season is over. Time to get busy with some basics – faith, hope, love, family, friends, service. Just as soon as I get through this other list of things to do…

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What’s Worth Praying For Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow

jeff noel always prays for simplicity

Ever since jeff noel was a kid, the daisy has been his favorite flower. The daisy symbolizes simplicity and childhood innocence.

Contrast that with our daily search for work life balance: for enjoyment, pleasure, fun, relaxation on one hand, and for promotions, titles, advancement, degrees, money on the other.

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