Army Chaplain And His Troops

Open Up The Doors & Windows To Your Heart?
Open Up The Doors & Windows To Your Heart? (from yesterday)

How often do we simply hit delete? Our email in-box can be overwhelming. We don’t hit delete because we don’t care, we do it because we are drowning in data, and something has to give.

Almost deleted this, but there was a tug on the heartstrings not to. Can you imagine being this Army Chaplain with troops in dangerous Afghanistan?

Here’s a blog link, and here’s his email – [email protected] -if you want to help.

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Blogging For SEO Or Content?

For People Searching For Hope And Authenticity
For People Searching For Hope And Authenticity

Do you blog? Do you read blogs? Do you hope to one day have a blog? Did you have a blog, but stopped because very few people read it?

Know what the biggest challenge is to staying motivated to write blog posts? Marketing. Some do this in the form of writing posts that are rich in keywords that search engines will find.

That’s like a band that has to perform music to sell records, instead of playing music they love. The temptation, and the choice, is always there.

I write for the Tribe, not for SEO. You’ll spread the ideas better and faster than keywords. Not sure what I’m talking about? That’s ok. Trust me, these blogs are “Real Life In Real Time”, offering Hope and authenticity.

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You May Be The Only Jesus

And Some Are Watch All Day, Everyday!
And Some Are Watching All Day, Everyday!

How often do you catch yourself being a hypocrite?

Probably rarely happens.

How often do others catch you?

Probably all the time.

My theory is this, if you don’t spend a lot of time with self-reflection, you are probably sending the wrong message.

A hard pill to swallow, but go ahead and try to tell me this is a lie.

What’s on the line, every minute of every day is simply this: You may be the only Jesus people see.

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Why Did He Spend 35 Innocent Years?

Many Things Are Hard To Understand
Many Things Are Hard To Understand

James Bain spent 35 years in prison for a rape he did not commit. Can you even begin to imagine what kind of hell that must have been? New DNA evidence proves he has been innocent. For 35 years.

Yesterday’s Orlando Sentinel article tells a brief story and shares video of James.

Can we all be kind enough to pause today, and perhaps in the coming days as well, and pray for James and his Family. There is no way to make up 35 lost years.

Can you imagine? What would you do? What do you hope for James?

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