On the flight from Kuwait to Dubai…posted to TEDxAUK Instagram.
While i missed being there Saturday night as our Son and his friends had dinner at our home, i remain content for being at all the other dinners they’ve shared at our place. After dinner, they went to Universal Studios for Grad Night.
i begged them not to confiscate the bead jar.
Had the airport car service drop me off at neighborhood entrance and i walked home from there. Entering our back yard is an indescribably peaceful experience.
Ain’t no glamour on the road.
The effort required to make it back home from Kuwait was anything but joyful.
The world isn’t perfect, of course.
Sometimes, it’s not even excellent.
Then i remind myself that whatever is irritating me is only a first-world problem and i immediately return to a peaceful and grounded state of being.
Son, when you learn to recognize that your biggest “issues” are trivial compared to many people’s issues, you will find a peace and contentment that allows you to thrive.
Having an incurable disease is a huge lifetime challenge. The good news is you live in America with access to the best the medical world can offer.
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Ali and Jody were my biggest supporters before, during, and after the TED Talk.
Shorts and a t-shirt worn to the all-speaker AV check and venue tour at 9:45AM. It’s wonderful to travel light and not have to worry about dressing for success.
Earning a reputation that trumps what you wear feels like freedom and “arrival”.
Son, don’t fret how long it takes. Fret how good you feel with what’s needed to build your personal brand.
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