We shall see what the Universe has in store. This was the previous post’s last sentence and this post’s first.
Here the sentence is meant to focus on the war.
Or, hopefully by a miracle, a short-lived Russian invasion of Ukraine.
We are one month into the Russian invasion that began February 24, 2022. This post goes live in half a year. Where will our world be when we see this post in October?
Praying China backs the rest of the world in completely denouncing Russian aggression. One month into Russia’s invasion and China has not condemned Putin’s actions.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.
Black and white. You’re either a wild thinker and doer, or you’re not.
Wildly successful Church.
How cool is it when it happens?
Could i play an invisible, yet catalytic role in helping humanity .think .differently about everything?
Bold, heretical belief that i provide an option that doesn’t exist without me.
Meek, uninspired people never move humanity to a better place.
Only the crazy ones.
The outliers.
The misfits.
The ones crazy enough to think they can do something everyone considers impossible.
i get it.
It ain’t for everyone.
Why did God (the Universe, karma, the light, etc) provide such a unique life path to someone who had to bicycle 36 roundtrip miles a day to work at Disney? The same guy, newly married, living in a roach-infested dingy apartment complex, who didn’t own a single piece of furniture, let alone an old car.
To be able to walk or bicycle next door to this Church – to Dream, Create, and Inspire – this is a potential blessing.
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This website is about our SPIRIT. To enjoy today’s post about our WORK, click here.