Details no one will notice

light bulb painted half red and half white
99.9% of Guests will never notice. Why do it then? When you finally understand why, you will never settle for good or very good.

Disney’s success is from over-focusing on details others under-focus on or ignore.


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Jesus loves everyone

Siri screen shot
Can you help us not label people and judge them because of their beliefs? Love is love, after all. Right?

Can you hear Jesus telling a group of 12-year olds, “I love everyone across the world, except for those people over there.”

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Take the stairs

Drawing of Old man holding a lantern on a mountain
Led Zeppelin interior album artwork. Led Zeppelin (untitled 4th album). Stairway to Heaven is often regarded as the greatest Rock and Roll song of all time.

Whatever Heaven is.

Wherever Heaven is.

Probably fastest to take the stairs.

Cryptic post.

Rock and Roll lyrics are often cryptic.

Be at peace with who you are and content with what you have.

And take the stairs every chance you get.

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Soul-sucking behavior

tray of Olaf candy apples
Hard to imagine holding a grudge agaisnt Olaf. Anyone really. How do you benefit from holding a grudge?

Habitually holding grudges is a risk.


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Maximum dB is 60

A typical vacuum cleaner emits 70 dB.

Pastor Chuck already knew i have called the police to ask the Church to turn down their noise.

Three obnoxious residential noise culprits:

  • Live music and DJ music
  • Public Address speakers
  • Airhorns

Never brought up children being children, but Chuck did several times.

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