Rednecker than you (video)

My town is smaller than yours.


“If you walk your child to school because you’re in the same grade”…per Jeff Foxworthy (are you smarter than a 5th-grader show host), you might be a redneck.

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Given the spiritual choice

Whatever you believe in spiritually, believe in it all the way.


A moral and ethical compass is essential to never losing your way in life. Religion, karma, luck, the Cosmos, love, science — you feel better when you believe you are utilizing your best option/resource.

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Where are you God?

God is everything that is good and decent, and everything that is exceptional and breathtaking.


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Who cares

i no longer think there is someone up in the sky watching my every move. That person is me and i am on the ground.


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Spiritual boundaries

11-second video: Disney ‘Fanatics’ worship this place.
Two High School classmates. We also attended the same Sunday school class and same Confirmation class.

The only spiritual limits you have are those you impose upon yourself.


Starting today, can you never get angry again? Can you be 100% forgiving? Can you be 100% humble? Can you discern between what you can control and cannot control? Can you 100% surrender to what you can’t control? And so on and so forth.

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